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Búsqueda por tema: Astronomical spectroscopy—Congresses.
Mostrando 1-3 de 3 resultados, ordenados por
1. Infrared astronomy with arrays : the next generation / edited by Ian S. McLean. 1994 Libro
2. The impact of very high S/N spectroscopy on stellar physics : proceedings of the 132nd Symposium of the International Astronomical Union held in Paris, France, June 29-July 3, 1987 / edited by G. Cayrel de Strobel and Monique Spite. 1988 Libro
3. Calibration of fundamental stellar quantities : proceedings of the 111th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held at Villa Olmo, Como, Italy, May 24-29, 1984 / edited by D.S. Hayes, L.E. Pasinetti, and A.G. Davis Philip. 1985 Libro

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